Art groups of Alytus Culture Center

Art groups are open to partnerships and can offer a wide variety of artistic programs. If you would like to collaborate or book an art program, please contact Cultural Center Deputy for Art Jurgita Guževičienė.

Deputy Director for Arts 
Jurgita Guževičienė
+370 672 215 43

Choir of Political Prisoners and Deportees „Atmintis“

Choir of Political Prisoners and Deportees ,,Atmintis“ was formed in 1988. Members of the choir are patriots, who love their country and this is especially reflected in their repertoire. Choir actively participates and performs in city festivals, public holidays and gatherings. Since the restoration of Lithuania’s independence, the choir “Atmintis” has participated in all national song festivals, which makes them very unique . Choir leader Vidas Simanauskas is pleased to be able to lead such a unanimous group, uniting not only the deportees temselves, but also their family members.
Meno vadovas
Vidas Simanauskas